Frequently Asked Questions

Below are common questions that are asked in regard to the different types of construction projects St. Louis County completes.

What is a Reclaim & Overlay?

Existing bituminous pavement will be ground up into suitable material to provide a new and stable roadway base. New bituminous pavement will be added to the newly graded surface. Then aggregate shouldering, roadway striping and signage will be placed. These projects are typically done under traffic and signed accordingly in the field.

You will always have access to your property, but the direction which you access may vary throughout the project.

Driveways and entrances will be matched with existing surface type.

As part of St. Louis County's safety policy, new mailbox supports & mailboxes meeting the Federal crash guidelines will be installed by the Contractor. The new mailbox will be installed in approximately the same location as your existing mailbox. The old supports & mailboxes will be deposited next to your driveway for possible salvage by the owners. About 2 weeks after installation of the new supports & mailboxes, any supports & mailboxes not salvaged by the property owner will be picked up for disposal.

What is a Mill & Overlay?

A milling machine will grind up a layer of existing pavement. It will then be replaced with a new layer of bituminous pavement. Then roadway striping and signage will be placed if applicable. These projects are typically done under traffic and signed accordingly in the field.

You will always have access to your property, but the direction which you access may vary throughout the project.

Driveways and entrances will be matched with existing surface type.

Depending on the condition and style of your existing mailbox, new mailbox supports & mailboxes meeting the Federal crash guidelines may be provided by the project and installed by the Contractor. If applicable, the new mailbox will be installed in approximately the same location as your existing mailbox. The old supports & mailboxes will be deposited next to your driveway for possible salvage by the owners. About 2 weeks after installation of the new supports & mailboxes, any supports & mailboxes not salvaged by the property owner will be picked up for disposal.

What is a Chip Seal?

A thin layer of asphalt with pea sized aggregate rock is placed on the existing roadway. It is then compacted and embedded into the asphalt. A fog seal will then be applied to the seal coat followed by roadway striping and signage if applicable. These projects are typically done under traffic and signed accordingly in the field. 

What is a Scrub Seal?

A thin layer of asphalt with pea sized aggregate rock is broomed into the cracks on the roadway. It is then compacted and embedded into the asphalt. A fog seal will then be applied to the seal coat followed by roadway striping and signage if applicable. These projects are typically done under traffic and signed accordingly in the field. 

What does a Culvert Replacement entail?

The existing deteriorating culvert is excavated and removed. New granular material and a culvert of appropriate size & type will be installed. Then roadway striping and signage will be placed if applicable. These projects are typically done under a road closure with a detour and signed accordingly in the field.

What is a Mini-Roundabout?

Roundabouts have been effective at increasing safety and efficiency of vehicle traffic. Traditional roundabout design typically requires a larger “footprint” than a traditional four-way intersection. Over the past few years, more and more agencies are implementing “mini roundabouts,” a type of roundabout characterized by a small diameter that can include fully traversable islands (central island and splitter islands).

Check out this link for more information: Mini Roundabout Info