40th Ave West Corridor Project - Study

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The 40th Ave West Corridor Project begins at the Interstate 35 interchange and ends at the railroad crossing located near 9th St for a total distance of 0.8 mile. Both St. Louis County and the City of Duluth own and maintain respective segments of 40th Ave West.

The county segment of 40th Ave West begins at Grand Ave and ends at the railroad crossing located near 9th St. The road name changes at the railroad crossing to Haines Rd. The county road number designation is CSAH 91. The city segment of 40th Ave West begins at the Interstate 35 interchange and ends at Grand Ave. The city road number designation is MSAS 110.

St. Louis County is planning a reconstruction project of the county segment of 40th Ave West in 2026. In preparation for this project, St. Louis County is leading a study to identify improvements that will be included in the future reconstruction project. To ensure continuity along the corridor, the City of Duluth is participating in this study to also identify improvements on the city segment of 40th Ave West. The City of Duluth does not have a construction project currently programmed for 40th Ave West. When funding becomes available, the City of Duluth would then complete the improvements identified in this study.

Study Focus Areas

The focus of this study includes the following:

  1. Driving lane configuration
  2. Intersections, including a focus on the intersections at Grand Ave and the Interstate 35 interchange
  3. The railroad crossing
  4. On-street parking
  5. Accommodations for pedestrians and bicyclists
  6. Access management
  7. Landscape

Study Input

The study will invite input from three stakeholder groups:

  1. General Public
  2. Local agencies (includes representation from administration, engineering, maintenance, planning, law enforcement and emergency response)
    • St. Louis County
    • City of Duluth
    • Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
    • Duluth Schools (ISD 709)
    • Duluth Transit Authority
    • Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council (MIC)
    • The MIC's Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)
  3. Local businesses

Study Results

The 40th Ave Corridor study is now complete. The County section of the project will be constructed in 2026. See below for the project layouts or to see them larger, download the pdf version in the documents section.

County Section:

County 40th Ave W/Grand Ave Intersection:

City of Duluth Section:


The 40th Ave West Corridor Project begins at the Interstate 35 interchange and ends at the railroad crossing located near 9th St for a total distance of 0.8 mile. Both St. Louis County and the City of Duluth own and maintain respective segments of 40th Ave West.

The county segment of 40th Ave West begins at Grand Ave and ends at the railroad crossing located near 9th St. The road name changes at the railroad crossing to Haines Rd. The county road number designation is CSAH 91. The city segment of 40th Ave West begins at the Interstate 35 interchange and ends at Grand Ave. The city road number designation is MSAS 110.

St. Louis County is planning a reconstruction project of the county segment of 40th Ave West in 2026. In preparation for this project, St. Louis County is leading a study to identify improvements that will be included in the future reconstruction project. To ensure continuity along the corridor, the City of Duluth is participating in this study to also identify improvements on the city segment of 40th Ave West. The City of Duluth does not have a construction project currently programmed for 40th Ave West. When funding becomes available, the City of Duluth would then complete the improvements identified in this study.

Study Focus Areas

The focus of this study includes the following:

  1. Driving lane configuration
  2. Intersections, including a focus on the intersections at Grand Ave and the Interstate 35 interchange
  3. The railroad crossing
  4. On-street parking
  5. Accommodations for pedestrians and bicyclists
  6. Access management
  7. Landscape

Study Input

The study will invite input from three stakeholder groups:

  1. General Public
  2. Local agencies (includes representation from administration, engineering, maintenance, planning, law enforcement and emergency response)
    • St. Louis County
    • City of Duluth
    • Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
    • Duluth Schools (ISD 709)
    • Duluth Transit Authority
    • Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council (MIC)
    • The MIC's Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)
  3. Local businesses

Study Results

The 40th Ave Corridor study is now complete. The County section of the project will be constructed in 2026. See below for the project layouts or to see them larger, download the pdf version in the documents section.

County Section:

County 40th Ave W/Grand Ave Intersection:

City of Duluth Section:

  • Public Meeting #3

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    Come hear the final recommendations for the 40th Ave West corridor and the intersection of Grand Ave and 40th Ave West.

    Date/Time: Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 6 PM

    Meeting Location: Denfeld High School in the West Commons area - 401 N 44th Ave W, Duluth, MN

    Public Meeting Recording:

  • Public Meeting #2

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    Date/Time: Monday, January 29th, 2024 at 6 PM

    Meeting Location: Denfeld High School in the West Commons area

    This second meeting for the project included an in-depth discussion on what was heard during the first wave of engagement. The next public meeting will take place in the spring of 2024. To view a recording of this meeting, click on the link below.

    Public Meeting #2 Recording

  • Public Meeting #1

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    Date/Time: Monday, September 18th, 2023 at 6 PM

    Meeting Location: Denfeld High School in the West Commons area.

    This kick-off meeting for the project was held to obtain input about concerns, issues, and future vision. The next public meeting will take place in January of 2024.

Page last updated: 02 Jul 2024, 01:05 PM