Piedmont Ave at 24th Ave West Intersection Control Evaluation - Study

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The intersection of Piedmont Ave and 24th Ave West has historically been a challenging intersection to navigate for both vehicles and for pedestrians and bicyclists. Piedmont Ave is a county road designated as CSAH 54. 24th Ave West is a city street designated as MSAS 116. The intersection is located only 330 ft from the intersection of US 53 and Piedmont Ave.

This intersection is currently controlled by a temporary traffic signal system that was installed to assist traffic during the . The Twin Ports Interchange Project has temporarily diverted additional traffic onto routes such as 24th Ave West and it is necessary to assist this traffic at the intersection of Piedmont Ave. Prior to the temporary traffic signal system, this intersection was controlled by a STOP sign on 24th Ave West and there was no control on Piedmont Ave meaning that traffic on Piedmont Ave had the right-of-way. Under this side-street STOP control configuration, vehicles on 24th Ave West had experienced significant delays turning onto Piedmont Ave.

The temporary traffic signal system is planned to be removed upon completion of the Twin Ports Interchange Project. In anticipation of this, St. Louis County is leading an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) to study if the temporary traffic signal system should remain in place for an interim period and what the long-term traffic control should be for this intersection.

Study Input

The study will invite input from three stakeholder groups:

  1. General Public
  2. Local agencies (includes representation from administration, engineering, maintenance, planning, law enforcement and emergency response)
    • St. Louis County
    • City of Duluth
    • Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
    • Duluth Schools (ISD 709)
    • Duluth Transit Authority
    • Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council (MIC)
    • The MIC's Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)

Study Results

The Piedmont Ave/24th Ave W Intersection study is now complete. The project will be constructed when funds are available. See below for the project layout.


The intersection of Piedmont Ave and 24th Ave West has historically been a challenging intersection to navigate for both vehicles and for pedestrians and bicyclists. Piedmont Ave is a county road designated as CSAH 54. 24th Ave West is a city street designated as MSAS 116. The intersection is located only 330 ft from the intersection of US 53 and Piedmont Ave.

This intersection is currently controlled by a temporary traffic signal system that was installed to assist traffic during the . The Twin Ports Interchange Project has temporarily diverted additional traffic onto routes such as 24th Ave West and it is necessary to assist this traffic at the intersection of Piedmont Ave. Prior to the temporary traffic signal system, this intersection was controlled by a STOP sign on 24th Ave West and there was no control on Piedmont Ave meaning that traffic on Piedmont Ave had the right-of-way. Under this side-street STOP control configuration, vehicles on 24th Ave West had experienced significant delays turning onto Piedmont Ave.

The temporary traffic signal system is planned to be removed upon completion of the Twin Ports Interchange Project. In anticipation of this, St. Louis County is leading an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) to study if the temporary traffic signal system should remain in place for an interim period and what the long-term traffic control should be for this intersection.

Study Input

The study will invite input from three stakeholder groups:

  1. General Public
  2. Local agencies (includes representation from administration, engineering, maintenance, planning, law enforcement and emergency response)
    • St. Louis County
    • City of Duluth
    • Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
    • Duluth Schools (ISD 709)
    • Duluth Transit Authority
    • Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council (MIC)
    • The MIC's Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)

Study Results

The Piedmont Ave/24th Ave W Intersection study is now complete. The project will be constructed when funds are available. See below for the project layout.

  • The Survey is CLOSED.

    Thank you for your time to complete this survey for the Piedmont Ave and 24th Ave W Intersection Study. Your input is very valuable. This survey is expected to take less than 10 minutes.

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Page last updated: 02 Jul 2024, 12:25 PM